Rooted in the Earth

30 furniture pieces selected from a private collection.
Autora Mónica Piera.

Molt més que un llibre de regal, Arrelats a la terra és la llum necessària per entendre com gaudeixen aquells que col·leccionen mobles antics.

Edició en ANGLÈS

PVP: 25€
Preu SOCIS: 20€



Edició en ANGLÈS

Rooted in the Earth: 30 furniture pieces selected from a private collection.
Author Mónica Piera. Photographs by Luís Casals

Rooted in the Earth reveals to us the best antique furniture from a private collection. 30 pieces selected for their artistic value, which we now have the opportunity to discover through the stories of Mónica Piera and the photographs of Lluís Casals.

The furniture is the protagonist. We enjoy its beauty through the shared gaze of a good photographer and an art historian. In addition, the book unveils facts about everyday life in the past, it puts us in the shoes of the craftsmen who designed and built the works and brings us closer to wood, a material of nature that is attractive to the eye and to the touch.

Additional information

Weight 0,650 kg
Dimensions 26 × 21 × 1 cm

Preu Soci, PVP


ISBN: 978-84-122155-2-6
Núm. Pàgines: 141
Mides: 26 x 21,5 x 1 cm
Pes: 650 gr.
Idioma:  Anglès
Preu enviament: 5’95€

Publishing: Àngel Surroca Surroca
Associació per a l’Estudi del Moble
Texts: Mónica Piera, Artur Ramon, Àngel Surroca
Photography: Lluís Casals
Design: Quim Boix | BbCR
Corrections and translations: Marta Fontanals, Albert Mestres, Christian Smith
Printing: CeGe
Legal: B-11395-2020
© of the publishing, Àngel Surroca Surroca
© of the texts, Mónica Piera, Artur Ramon, Àngel Surroca
© of the photographs, Lluís Casals
Additional photographs:
Institut Amatller d’Art Hispànic. Arxiu Mas. p. 63, 64; ACA. p. 96; Barcelona Brotherhood of Master Carpenters. Llibre de Passanties. p. 72, 99, 133

We want to thank the transfer of the images to the Arxiu Mas and the Barcelona Brotherhood of Master Carpenters.

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